UL Poker Society

The Extraordinary General Meeting is a meeting of all members in the Society in semester 2. It is required by ULSU who provide the majority of funding to Clubs and Societies.

It takes generally under an hour and during the time elections to committee are held. Anyone interested in becoming President, Secretary or Treasurer can go for the post during the second semester EGM. Any of the other committee places may be filled during the second semester EGM but 2 must be left vacant until the AGM in the beginning of teh first semester.

The Committee Positions (Click to find more information):

Core Positions:

President - Overall head of the Society
Treasurer - Controlls the money of the Society
Secretary - Keeps Records within the society

Non-Core Committee:

Inter-Varsity Organiser - Organises our own Inter-Varsity & arranges to go to other universities IV
Weekly Organiser (2 Positions) - Organises the weekly Poker tournaments & and on campus activity by the Society
Sponsorship Officer - Takes controll of any sponsorhsip offers & looks for sponsorship for the Society
PRO - Responsible for publicing any of the Societies events
            Ideal for design students for posters to add to portfolio, or journolism students to write for An Focal
Webmaster - Ensure website and any other online mediums used are up to date.
            Ideal for computer students who wish to enchance their knowledge of website upkeep/moderation

Agenda For Meeting Week 12 08/09

Election Of Committee
Adoption Of New Constitution